
A temporary site of permanence until I make the time to cleanup a decade of blog archives.
Created by Anna-Maria «Amy» Müller.

Nothing good comes easy.

Nichts von Wert ist jemals einfach.

About Amy

♥s: libraries, typography, puzzles, green foods, dachshunds, polka dots, boxes (the container type, not the thinking type). Collects degrees and fixes broken complexities.

In the year of Darwin's bicentenary, I moved from Germany to Hobbiton Wiltshire, South West England, to add to my collection of university degrees and study Forensic Archaeology & Anthropology at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom.

I use my time fixing brokenness online and deploy SaaS-based omni-channel eCommerce programmes for branded manufacturers.


  • International Forensic Archaeology & Anthropology
  • Social science: Culture, Identities, Peace & Conflict
  • Writing & editing academic, journalistic and educational texts
  • Communication technologies & arts

Things I'm curious about and occasionally share can be found on tumblr.


I'm bad at e-mail. You are welcome to send me a message anyway.